I cannot recommend this series enough!

“This series looks at each individual in the most holistic way, putting yourself in their shoes and reaching them where they are at in that specific moment, opposed to figuring out ways to get the resident where you want them. 

I cannot recommend this series enough for all those working in healthcare or those with a loved one living with dementia."

                                                                              Raina Bawden, CTRS, Recreation Director,  Mission Point of Forest Hills                         

Six Power-Packed Courses...

Here is what's included in the series:

Incredible. . .

The tools that Dr. Al Power provides, and the way he engages us, is incredible. It is practical, and it addresses unmet needs for what they are – true needs that the individual living with dementia is experiencing, but not getting fulfilled.
I cannot recommend this enough!

                                                                         Sandra Place, LNHA, TLLP, Health Care Consultant & Educator

Why this Training Series Delivers

Include a list of items to support the central theme of your page. Bulleted lists are a great way to parse information into digestible pieces.

  • Easy to understand solutions you can use immediately

  • Applies a 7-domain framework that targets the root cause of challenges

  • Presents proactive strategies that prevent distress

  • Includes specific communication practices (speaking, listening, getting unstuck, supporting choice)

  • Reframes "behaviors" as an expression of unmet needs

  • Online dementia training that is flexible, affordable, actionable, and innovative

  • Supports different living environments: nursing homes, assisted living, and home-based care

  • Speaks to a variety of stakeholders: care employees and family members

  • Offers access to CEUs

Well-being is a human right.

Create a common language across care partner teams for problem solving, care planning, and exploring solutions that honor the WHOLE person.

The Eden Alternative Domains of Well-Being® provide the framework for this 6-course series creating a relatable and highly effective method for individualizing care and addressing the unmet needs of people who live with dementia. 

Dr. Al Power says more about these Domains of Well-Being.

Learn on your schedule

  • Videos

    Immediately applicable easy to understand nuggets of information in every video.

  • Downloadable Course Materials

    Take your exploration deeper through exercises, group discussion questions, practical applications and
    calls to action.

Dementia Care!

Achieve your goals
with this 6-course series
Living Well with Dementia

  • Create high engagement among elders, family, and employees

  • Inspire and initiate lasting change

  • Support empowerment, purpose, and growth for all

  • Uphold the voice and choice of the people you support

  • Address the impact of negative perceptions of aging

  • Exceed regulatory expectations for care that puts the person first

I really appreciate it!

Dr. Al Power has many gifts. One which is so valuable in this context is that through his years of experience, study, observations and reflections, his words are wise, succinct and reflect his years of compassionate approach to the topic. I really appreciate it.

                                                                                                    -Sister Imelda Maurer

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the self-study course experience like?

    You can watch video lessons through your phone, tablet, laptop, or desktop. You will create your own learning schedule, although we highly recommend that you take 1 to 2 weeks to complete a single chapter. Since the course content builds on itself, this will make the course feel more cohesive and your overall course experience more impactful.

  • Will I be able to pause the video in the middle of a lesson?

    Absolutely. This makes it possible for you to make notes, as you wish, and absorb the concepts shared at your own pace.

  • Are CEUs available for this series?

    Yes. This series is approved for 11.75 hours as each individual course in the series is pre-approved for continuing education hours available through the National Association of Long-Term Care Administrator Boards (NAB).

  • Who do I contact, if I have questions along the way?

    Send your questions to [email protected].

Sneak Peek!

Watch a sample from
The Well-Being Approach


"Being a recreational therapist, I have always strived to be as person-centered as possible, but this series has taught me to be person-centered for those living with dementia in more ways than I would have ever thought."

Raina Bawden 

CTRS, Recreation Director

Mission Point of Forest Hills

Al Power, MD

Award-winning author, geriatrician, and international educator

Al Power, MD is an award-wining author, a board-certified internist and geriatrician, and an international educator on transformational approaches to care for older people, particularly those living with changing cognitive abilities.

Dr. Power also serves as the Schlegel Chair in Aging and Dementia Innovation at the Schlegel University of Waterloo Research Institute for Aging in Ontario Canada.

He is also clinical associate professor of medicine at the University of Rochester, New York, a Fellow of the American College of Physicians/American Society for Internal Medicine. Named one of the "Five Leaders of Tomorrow" by Long-Term Living Magazine in May 2013.

Dr. Power has authored two ground-breaking books. Dementia Beyond Drugs: Changing the Culture of Care was named a 2010 Book of the Year by the American Journal of Nursing.

His most recent book, Dementia Beyond Disease: Enhancing Well-Being builds on this groundwork by applying the Eden Alternative Domains of Well-Being® to the unique needs of those who live with dementia. Dr. Power is featured in the documentary Alive Inside, selected for the 2014 Sundance Film Festival.

He is also a 2012 recipient of the Bellagio Fellowship from the Rockefeller Foundation for his work with Dr. Emi Kiyota on innovative responses to global aging.