Watch a Sneak Peek
These recordings are for you if . . .
You live with dementia
You support someone living with dementia
You are a carepartner
You want to hear first hand experience about
what it is like to navigate living with dementia -
You are looking for solutions
You are curious about the intricacies of living with dementia
Watch a Sneak Peek
Get the Symposium RECORDINGS
Course curriculum
About These Recordings
Opening Panel
Creating Purposeful Connections
Rethinking Care Partnerships
Communication: When Words Fall Short
I'm at The Head of My Table
Collaborative Care: The Role of Partnering
Meeting Unmet Needs
The DEER Program- Key Note
Closing Panel
Casey Acklin
Jennifer Carson
Kristie Combs
Emily Connors
Evy Cugelman
Michelle Daniel
Kristi Doan
Monica Downer
Craig Fowler
Jack George
Denise Hyde
Deborah Lloyd
Stacy McCaney
Chuck McClatchey
Julie Moore
Nia Mostacero
Nancy Nelson
Laurie Scherrer
Mark Timmons

About this course
- $49.00
- 29 lessons
- 6 hours of video content