In this course

Learn how to . . .

  • Educate your team to be a part of the solution

  • Empower your team to find person-directed solutions

  • Teach your team how to prevent the spread of infections

Being a part of the solution offers . . .

  • Security

  • Control

  • Unity

Course Guides

                                                                                          Denise Hyde

                                                                                            Deb Schick

                                                                                           Ann Norris

                                                                                     Amanda Hibbard

We collaborate with hundreds of organizations

Christian Living Communities
Dementia Action Alliance
Signature Healthcare
Sherbrooke Community Centre
AG Rhodes

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the course format?

    This course is an online self-study course.

  • What is the self-study course experience like?

    You can watch video lessons through your phone, tablet, laptop, or desktop. Since the course content builds on itself, it will make the course feel more cohesive and impactful, if you don't wait too long between completing course lessons.

  • May I share my login credentials with other colleagues in my organization?

    Registration is per individual. We track each student's learning journey, so that we may better support your learning goals.

  • Are CEUs available for this course?

    This course is not approved for continuing education hours at this time.

  • Who do I contact, if I have questions along the way?

    Send your questions to [email protected].