Co-developed with internationally renowned dementia thought leader and award-winning author G. Allen Power, M.D., this in-depth, 2-day experiential workshop or 7-session online workshop from The Eden Alternative® features a radically different approach to caring for people who live with dementia. Explore and apply an experiential model for dementia care that facilitates meaningful engagement, empowered interactions, and significantly improved well-being via the application of person-directed practices.

Learning Designed for Real Life

  • Uses The Eden Alternative Domains of Well-Being® as a practical framework for dementia care that puts the person first.

  • Targets the root cause of dementia care challenges

  • Addresses unmet needs, as signals of distress

  • Presents a framework for care planning focused on the whole human being

  • Offers solutions based on detailed insights of what you need to know, notice, and do

  • Recognizes well-being as a human right

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"Dr. Power's examples and reasoning are excellent. Employees will be able to relate."  

-Sandy Gardner

Onsite Education Pricing Options

Standard Registration - $500
General/Individual Members - $450
Growth Members - $425
Certified Members - $400

Next Opportunity to Learn


Sept. 25-Nov. 13th
Wednesdays 1:30 - 3:30 PM ET

Expert information for every day

Include a list of items to support the central theme of your page. Bulleted lists are a great way to parse information into digestible pieces.

  • Identifies different types of dementia in detail

  • Presents misperceptions about dementia & why they should be challenged

  • Details understanding a diagnosis from a person-directed perspective

  • Reveals the limits of stage theory

  • Explains how stigma can cause unmet needs and increase medicalizing

  • Recognizes well-being as a human right

Why This Training Delivers

  • Easy to understand solutions you can use immediately

  • Online dementia training that is flexible, affordable, actionable, and innovative

  • Supports different living environments: nursing homes, assisted living, and home-based care

  • Built on the framework of The Eden Alternative Domains of Well-Being®

  • Speaks to a variety of stakeholders: care employees and family members

  • Provides an alternative to one-size-fits-all, reactive approaches

  • CEU access