When employee turnover seems never-ending, it negatively affects everyone on staff and keeps organizations from building cohesive teams. As many organizations remain consistently understaffed, it becomes vital that everyone plays a part in improving retention.

Workforce thought leader Cara Silletto, MBA, CSP, will energize and empower your entire team to reduce "us vs. them" conflicts at work.

Our people are our greatest retention advocates, so let's all attract others onto our teams, instead of repelling the talent we can't afford to lose.

About Cara

Workforce thought leader and keynote speaker Cara Silletto, MBA, CSP, works with organizations of all sizes to reduce unnecessary employee turnover by bridging generational gaps and making managers more effective in their roles.

Workforce Magazine in Chicago named Cara a "Game Changer" for her innovative approach to solving generational issues in the workplace and Recruiter.com listed her in their "Top 10 Company Culture Experts to Watch," list. She is also the author of the book, Staying Power: Why Your Employees Leave & How to Keep Them Longer. Today, she's a highly-sought-after national speaker conducting 50 to 100 engagements annually and she has earned her Certified Speaking Professional (CSP) designation from the National Speakers Association (NSA).