Our caregiving relationships...

Are a powerful and potent part of daily life – hundreds of thousands of us are actively caregiving every day within a broken system that leaves us feeling helpless and burned out. We need another way, a different lens – one that creates caring relationships that are reciprocal and regenerative… an approach that honors the whole person and breathes life back into living. 


Pour some tea. Go for a hike. Learn while you live.

This audio course features:

  • Ways to transform the mindset, relationships, and practices that shape care, as we know it

  • A highly engaging portable format that you can take in on the run

  • 30 bite-size lessons that pack big impact and build on each other

  • A combination of heartfelt stories and simple, actionable practices scalesc

  • A follow-along course workbook for capturing personal reflections and a-ha moments

The concepts and practices you will find here evoke responses like:

  • From those accepting support

    “I’m not a victim of the healthcare system.” “My values are honored.” “I feel heard and seen.” “I’m a participant in my own care.” “I have control over my life.”

  • From those offering support

    “Time with my loved one is more joyful and meaningful.” “I’m not alone - I am part of a care partner team.” “My voice, as a family member, has an impact.” “Caregiving is easier now.”

30 Days Participant Outcomes Reveal . . .

  • 95%

    Agreed that this course provided valuable information and/or perspectives

  • 95%

    Said that they could envision ways to use the content

  • 95%

    Said that they would recommend the course to others

I love, love, love this. The stories are beautiful, emotional, and meaningful.

~ Mary Rose Thompson

Care Partnership

  • Makes caring relationships a 2-way street

  • Builds on strengths, rather than deficits

  • Leverages abilities, rather than disabilities

  • Promotes agency and empowerment of all involved

  • Reduces stress and burnout

  • Deepens confidence and resilience

  • Fosters more meaningful connections

  • Accesses more joy, more ease, more aliveness

Experience sample
lessons from
the course

Almost meditative.
Very engaging and relatable.
Draws you into the human experience.
~Denise Bile

Hello. . .

I’m Laura Beck, a Registered Somatic Movement Therapist and Educator and the creator and narrator of the course. What I love most about working with my clients is helping them reclaim their wholeness and to expand their capacity to feel more alive. This intention is inspired, in part, by my affiliation with The Eden Alternative®, a global non-profit educational organization dedicated to creating groundbreaking systems of care that cultivate a life worth living.

As a somatic practitioner, I am a devoted fan of The Eden Alternative’s commitment to honoring the whole human being – mind, body, and spirit.  I experienced its transformational impact firsthand as a family member over 30 years ago, after my father was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease (a journey captured in stories found in 30 Days). This personal experience evolved into a professional passion. 

For nearly 20 years, I was a member of The Eden Alternative’s creative team, serving as a national speaker, writer, in-person and online course facilitator, and curriculum and content developer. I had the honor of collaborating with celebrated thought leaders in the aging space, including Dr. Bill Thomas and Jude Meyers-Thomas, Co-Founders of The Eden Alternative. 

Dr. Bill Thomas (aka Dr. William H. Thomas) is an internationally-renowned geriatrician and the award-winning author of six books, among them What are Old People For? How Elders Will Change the World. He has also been recognized by the Wall Street Journal as one of the nation’s “top 10 innovators” and listed by US News and World Report one of “America’s best leaders.” 

The lessons found in 30 Days are rooted in the life-changing work of the Thomases and The Eden Alternative – a way of being that defines care as helping another to grow through purpose, connection, empowerment, and possibility… regardless of age or changing abilities.