Organizational Membership
Eden Membership pricing is designed for organizations of all sizes. Select the tier that most closely aligns with the size of your organization.
If your organization provides residential care, use resident capacity.
For non-residential organizations, use number of employees.
Eden Membership and Eden Tracks & Practices:
Three types of Eden Membership options based on each organization's commitment to, and desired recognition for, implementing the Eden Approach:
Certified -
General Members are interested in learning and have varied experience in person-directed care. General members have access to 12 Tracks and 21 Practices through the Eden Navigator. General Members do not need to demonstrate ongoing progress with implementing person-directed care.
Growth and Certified Eden Memberships are earned by implementing a specific number of Eden Tracks & Practices and educating their employee care partners. Growth and Certified Members have access to 56 Practices across the 12 Tracks with more practices to be released in the future. Growth and Certified Members need to implement 2 new Practices annually to maintain their status.
Individual Members are interested in integrating and strengthening person-directed care within their care partner role. Eden Tracks & Practices are being developed for Individual Members and they have access to Resources to support their personal growth.
The 12 TRACKS of The Eden Approach
The Eden Tracks & Practices emerged as the team at The Eden Alternative spent over a year reimagining The Path to Mastery. The 12 distinct Tracks and many Practices were extracted from Path to Mastery Milestones and then combined with other new, innovative approaches shared by Eden Registry Members.
The Eden Registry is now Eden Membership.
"This is an essential business decision."
- Deke Cateau
AG Rhodes